Legal and Business Advice

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The Creative Network For Legal and Business Advisors

Running your own business is exhausting, fulfilling, exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Often there is only you or a small team that have to make all decisions both financially and creatively. Surrounding your self with the right people is key I believe in making your business both a success and an enjoyable experience.

Working with a business mentor and a Lawyer, someone that understands the “Business “ and the “Legalities’ “of the creative industry is imperative. Both Anthony and Chris, listed here on the directory, I have known personally for too many years to count and both have had a major impact on my business.

Following on from that I have recommended then to countless businesses and individuals to help them, like they did me, make sure my ass was covered and all the Ts were crossed and the I’s dotted .

A business mentor / coach is a person whom you respect and can play devils advocate when needed. It’s someone to bounce ideas off and someone that can have a clear, un-emotional response to business situations.

A Lawyer who can guide you with copyright issues, the VCAT process, legalities on your website, online disclaimers and good strong ethical advice is essential to making sure your business is not only above board, but running smoothly and is legally sound.