

Sally Brownbill leads a small but talented team including one who can demolish a bone bigger than her head.


Sally Brownbill

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Managing Director

Sally is highly respected and trusted by everyone she has helped in the creative industry for over 20 years. As a genuine connector, Sally gets it. She has the unique ability to combine her extraordinary knowledge and experience with an empathy for creatives and those running creative businesses. Sally has developed a reputation as the authoritative voice on folio construction, career advice and selecting images for exhibition and websites. She has also become a much sought-after judge, lecturer and keynote speaker and sits on a variety of course advisory boards.


Anne-Maree McKernan

Keeper of Books

Anne-Maree keeps the financial engine of The Brownbill Effect running smoothly. She is extraordinarily well organised, loves numbers and enjoys helping others to understand the big financial picture. Anne-Maree is a highly qualified accountant (Bachelor of Business (Accountancy), CA, FINSIA). Her past and current clients include creative consultants, architects, fashion retails, farmers, engineering consultants and investment companies and SMSF’s.


Lany the Dog

Chewer of Bones

Who couldn’t love that face? Lany is an English Staffy who adds a lot of fun to the office where she greets all clients with gusto and will leap on any lap that will have her.

Staffies can suffer from separation anxiety, so she’s delighted to be alongside the team playing her role in the daily activities. Loyal, in-your-face, playful and totally adorable, Lany is a big part of the business and adds a warm fuzzy dimension to the working day.


Charlotte Tiong

The Intern

Charlotte is currently in her final year of Communication Design Honours at Swinburne University. She loves fashion and photography, which is fabulous for me to be able to spoil her by introducing her to photographers work and taking her out to see some studios in action too. Charlotte and I worked together when she was in her third year at Swinburne University, so I know what a talented designer she is and how super organised as well. Charlotte also totally understands the Brownbill Effect brand and is already looking at updating the cover page on the website with new material on day one on her own…I love that. I can't wait for all of you to meet and work with Charlotte, she is going to be another huge asset to the business.


Jess Do


Jess is a recent graduate of Communication Design Honours from Swinburne University. Jess loves drawing and photography, especially shooting film which excites me a lot and I look forward to lending her some old cameras to play with. Jess’s design style is contemporary and innovative and she enjoys learning new skills. Jess has spent her year with me and I have loved every minute of working with this talented young designer. Jess is thoughtful in her approach, creative and super smart. I am thrilled she is still freelancing for me along with sending her out on other jobs.