
Simply click on a Producer’s profile below to view.
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The Creative Network For Producers

Being hand-picked you can feel comfortable knowing I have vetted all of the producers on the site and you are able to go to them directly, at no charge and talk to them personally about your needs.

Alternatively, if you would like to talk to me about the kind of producers we have and their particular skill sets, don’t hesitate to call me and I will gladly guide you with who I think would work with you best.

Producers can make a world of difference to your next shoot and having hand-picked the talent, as I do, guarantees you that everyone listed here are excellent people and super wonderful at their jobs.

A producer that can take you from the initial concept stage, through to shoot day and beyond. What you get with a producer is someone that can wear many hats, be organised and surround themselves with a top team. And that is what you will get by working with a producer on The Brownbill Effect.

Production doesn’t need to be stressful when you work with the right producers. Production needs to be efficient and executed with a smile and with aplomb.

The Producers listed here are all of the above and more. They love what they do and people love to work with them.