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Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy is a legal notice about how we use personal information collected on this website. The information below outlines what information is collected, how we may use that information, the persons to whom the personal information may be disclosed, and the security measures taken to protect the personal information. This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices for the businesses trading as Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect which operate via, respectively, www.tbejobs.com and www.thebrownbilleffect.com (the “Sites”). If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of this policy, please feel free to contact our Privacy Policy Coordinator [Sally Brownbill sally@thebrownbilleffect.com ].

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. You can access the Privacy Policy anytime at www.thebrownbilleffect.com/privacy-policy. Your use and/or registration for any services to be provided by Sally Brownbill, TBE and/or The Brownbill Effect will constitute your agreement to this Privacy Policy. This privacy policy does not cover information collected elsewhere, including, without limitation, offline and on sites linked to or from the Sites.

1. What this policy covers. This policy covers our treatment of information that we obtain when you visit the Sites. This policy does not cover the privacy practices of third parties that we do not own or control, such as our partners or advertisers. In addition, we may provide links to other services and on occasion links to other sites that may interest you. All of these sites are owned independently of Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect and they have their own privacy and security practices. We encourage you to review their privacy policies before submitting personal information to them.

2. Information that Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect gathers. Information Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect gathers generally falls into two categories: (1) personally identifiable information, which is gathered with your specific knowledge and consent, for instance when you complete a survey, make a purchase of goods or services, you are asked to provide information such as your email address and name, and (2) non-personally identifiable information collected through technology, which includes tracking information collected as you navigate the Sites.

2.1. Personally identifiable information that you give us.

2.1.1. Registration. Registration for TBE Jobs and/or The Brownbill Effect requires that you supply certain personally identifiable information including, in most cases, a unique email address and demographic information to register.

2.1.2. Registration for our website via third-party tools. You may choose to log-on, create, or enhance your profile on The Brownbill Effect with the Facebook Connect feature. By doing this, you are asking Facebook to send The Brownbill Effect registration information from your Facebook profile. We treat that information as we do any other information you give us when you log-on, register, or create a profile.

2.1.3. User Generated comments and public activities (including comments and Facebook and Twitter sharing). We offer you opportunities to engage in public activities on TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect. “Public Activities” are any actions you take on TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect, Twitter, Facebook and other social media that are designed to be visible to other users on TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect, including comments and posting to Facebook or Twitter and other social media. Any information you disclose in your Public Activities, including your screen name, any image or photo, becomes public and may be used by TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect for online and offline promotional or commercial uses in any and all media. If you chose to engage in Public Activities, you should be aware that any personally identifiable information you choose to submit can be read, collected, and used by other readers of these forums and could be used to send you unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in these forums and TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect has no responsibility to publish, take down, remove or edit any Public Activities. If you have signed up for a TBE Jobs and/or The Brownbill Effect account, we will track and aggregate your Public Activities on TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect. If you choose to participate in Public Activities, you are electing to share and display such Public Activities on TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect. Additionally, Public Activities may be included in RSS feeds, APIs, and made available to other websites in other formats. As a result, your Public Activities may appear on other websites, blogs, or feeds.

2.1.4. Contests, sweepstakes, and special offers. TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect may collect information from you in connection with contests, sweepstakes, and special offers. If this information is shared with a third party, we will notify you at the time of collection, and if you do not want any personal information shared, you may always decline to participate in the sweepstakes, contests, or special offers.

2.1.5. Surveys, panels, and market research. TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect may collect personal information from you in connection with voluntary surveys. Unless we notify you at the time of collection, the information you provide in response to optional survey questions may be shared, but only in aggregate, with advertisers and partners.

2.2. Non-personally identifiable information collected using technology.

2.2.1. Device Information. We may collect information about the computer, mobile telephone, smartphone, or other device you use to access TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect.

2.2.2. Cookies and web beacons. We may use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies to recognize you and provide personalisation, as well as to help us understand where our visitors are going and how much time they spend there. You will not be able to access certain areas of TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect, if your computer does not accept cookies from us.

2.2.3. Analytics Technologies. We may hire third parties to provide us with information, reports and analysis about the usage and browsing patterns of the users of the Sites. This non-personally identifiable information is collected to analyze trends, administer the site, track users’ movements around the site, and gather aggregate information about our user base as a whole. We do not tie this data to personally identifiable information.

2.2.4. Log files and reading history. We may automatically log certain information about your use of the Sites. This information includes reading history of the pages you view. We may use this information to provide you with customized recommendations based on your reading history. We also use log files in aggregate usage of the Sites.

3. How Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect Uses the information we gather.

3.1. Services you request. Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect uses personally identifying information you supply to provide you with the service you have requested. For example, if you subscribe to The Brownbill Effect, we may use your email address to send you a confirmation notice and your mailing address to send you the publication. We may also use the information to communicate with you about new features, products, or services and/or to improve the services we offer by tailoring them to your needs.

3.2. Analysis. We perform statistical, demographic, and marketing analysis of users of the Sites for product development purposes and to generally inform advertisers about the nature of our users. We also use this information to improve customer relationships.

3.3. Third party service providers. Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect will allow access to our database by third parties that provide services on our behalf, including credit-card and billing processing, shipping, email distribution, list processing, and analytics or promotions management. Our service providers are restricted from using any data in any way other than to provide services for TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect and they may not share or resell your data.

3.4. Affiliates and Partners. Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect may share your personal information collected via each Site in addition to sharing this information with our affiliates, clients, customers and partners.

4. Our Email Policy. Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect complies with the federal CAN SPAM Act of 2003.

4.1. Account Related Emails. Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect reserves the right to send you email relating to your account status. This includes order confirmations, renewal notices, notices about credit cards problems, and other transactional emails and notifications about major changes to Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect or our Privacy Policy or Disclaimers.

4.2. Newsletters. Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect offers a number of email newsletters. If you no longer wish to receive a specific newsletter, follow the “unsubscribe” instructions located at the bottom of each newsletter.

4.3. Promotional Emails. Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect may also periodically email you messages about products and services that we think may be of interest to you. You may choose not to receive messages in the future by following the “unsubscribe” instructions located at the bottom of each email.

5. Legal Stuff.

5.1. Legal Requirements. We may also provide access to our databases to cooperate with official investigations or legal proceedings, including, for example, in response to subpoenas, search warrants, court orders, or other legal proceedings.

5.2. Acquisition or Transfer. As our business changes, we may buy or sell various assets. In the event that all or a portion of the assets owned or controlled by Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and The Brownbill Effect, their parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates are sold, assigned, transferred or acquired by another company, the information and data related to users of Sally Brownbill, TBE Jobs and/or The Brownbill Effect may be among the assets sold and transferred to a purchaser/acquirer.

6. How Information is Kept Secure.

6.1. Network Security. We have implemented encryption and security technologies and procedures to protect your personal data and information stored in our information systems from unauthorized access. Please be aware that no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage connected to the internet is 100% secure and we cannot, on that basis, guarantee its absolute security under all conditions including but not limited to hardware or software failure, faults or vulnerabilities, malicious attack by third parties persons or services, transmission, distribution or activation of viruses, trojans and malware, unauthorised sharing or disclosure of account credentials to third parties or unauthorized access to hardware remote sites.

6.2. Management Procedures. We also maintain standard physical and electronic processes and safeguards that limit access to your personally identifiable information to our employees (or people working on our behalf and under confidentiality agreements) who, through the course of standard business activities, need to access your personally identifiable information.

7. International Visitors. The Sites are intended for and directed to users in Australia. If you are accessing the Sites from the European Union, Asia, the US or any other region with laws or regulations governing personal data collection, use and disclosure that differ from Australian laws, please be advised that through your continued use of the Sites (which is governed by Australian law, this Privacy Notice and Disclaimer), you are transferring your personal information to Australia and you consent to that transfer.

8. Updates to our Privacy Policy. Our services are continuously evolving and developing. From time to time, we will review and make changes to our Privacy Policy. When we do so, we will notify you either by email or place a notice on our website. The most recent version of our Privacy Policy is always available at www.thebrownbilleffect.com/privacy-policy. We encourage you to visit this if you would like to stay up to date on our current policy.