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As part of the industry for more than 20 years, I have learned a lot. As the industry continues to change I’m learning even more. This is where I share all that with you.

A free creative showcase.

My monthly newsletter is filled with inspiring work from the many clever, artistic, and productive people I know. Seeing what others are doing can often provide the creative boost we need to increase our own efforts. At the very least it’s great to look at.

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The same old, same old won’t bring you something new.

The photos of you sunning yourself around the Mediterranean were fabulous. No really, I loved checking them out as I tugged on the layers every freezing winter’s morning. Anyway, you’re back now and as I’m in a forgiving mood, let’s discuss some life decisions you possibly made on your holiday.

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Let's get that website sparkling.

It might not feel like it’s coming but spring will be here before we know it. The tradition of spring cleaning is a good one. We get the chance to make everything clean and fresh so we can approach our lives with renewed energy. Let’s begin with your website. A consult with me will help you scrub those dusty corners and make the changes that will transform it.

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The challenge of recruiting talent today.

I know I’m telling you something you’re already aware of, but the well of potential employees is running dry. This is true for nearly every industry and service in Australia. I’m certainly hearing stories of skill shortages, very small applicant numbers and a general lack of enthusiasm for positions all around the creative industry.

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The Printed Book.

I wanted to create an eBook for emerging photographers, and I know it has been helpful to the many who have purchased it. According to the feedback I’ve received, ‘How to Develop Your Career as a Photographer’ also offers inspiration and motivation to all creatives.

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Prepare to launch into 22/23.

The end of the financial year is an ideal time to draw a line under the ledger and hit refresh. What happened in the year just gone can provide a lot of clues as to what should come next. The numbers don’t lie. They let you know exactly where things are or where they might have been if things went a little differently.

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My book for photographers has a message for you.

Last year I wrote an eBook for emerging photographers. My intention was to help them navigate the world of work, build a business, and generally establish themselves in their chosen career. The book is now up on my website and out in the world. The feedback has been fantastic.

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How will the one you want, also want you?

No, you haven’t wandered onto a dating site but to be honest, when it comes to hiring people in 2022, we can learn something from the matchmakers. Especially the importance of boosting your positives and presenting your business as a desirable place to work.

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How to recruit the right people in 2022

As we know, times have changed for everything, everywhere and this is especially true for recruitment. Businesses not directly hit by the pandemic are rushing to find the right talent to speed up the recovery process. In these cases, the temptation to fill these roles immediately will be greater than ever.

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You can stroll around the back streets, or take the direct route.

Networking is the cornerstone of a successful career and business. You can kill time building one or you can cut to the chase. The Creative Directory is one of the biggest, most effective creative networks in Australia and it continues to grow. Once on board you’ll be connected to the other members and everyone who visits, looking for talent.

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I will find you.

And personal attention and follow-ups. In fact, everything you’d expect from someone who has honed a particular set of skills over many years. In that time, I have developed a large network of creatives, production managers, account/branding people and others who fit around the edges. This network is not just names in a file. We have a relationship.

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It’s the season for big picture thinking.

This time of year always reminds me to stop and reflect on where I am and what’s to come. We all have a big picture – one that shows us what we most want to achieve and with a bit of luck, the way to get there. I’m a great believer in the positive approach to life and business. Attitude is everything and we have complete control over that.

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I’ll help you cut through the confusion.

Right now, you might be swamped by too many decisions. Or does it seem there’s nothing in front of you? If your direction feels unclear it’s time to have a consultation with me. You might need advice about your career, your folio, or your website. Maybe, all three. I’ve consulted with hundreds of people and know the positive results a practical, inspiring session can deliver.

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Let’s find you a starring role.

I’m excited for everyone looking for a job in the creative industry right now. I can’t remember a time when there were so many opportunities for such a range of people. I’m also thrilled employers are coming to The Brownbill Effect to find the right person. Obviously, my network has really kicked in... and now it needs you to come onboard.

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Here’s how we’ll hook you up.

The creative industry is roaring back into action. Many new jobs are crossing my desk and a healthy percentage of them are for freelancers. I’m excited for everyone looking for work right now, full-time and freelance but remember, it doesn’t matter how much work is out there if you don’t know where to look for it.

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New photographers, meet my new eBook.

I love helping creative people find their way and this is my contribution to anyone starting out on their career as a photographer. In this industry, the learning never ends. This eBook is an inspirational and practical guide that’s been many years in the making.

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Is your CV stuck in the past?

Once upon a time a CV outlined previous experience, skills and qualifications. I don’t have to tell you that times have changed. Certainly, this document needs to show what you’ve achieved and where, but CV’s are now read a lot differently. A good one tells a story about you, it starts a conversation that will bring genuine insight to what you can offer as an employee and a person.

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2022. There will be dragons.

We’ve learned enough over the last few years to know 2022 won’t be a smooth ride. While planning out the year ahead, we must prepare to be knocked off our perch now and then. We can handle it. I advocate accepting a healthy dose of realism but I’m also a great believer in the power of a positive approach.

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