Plan your way to a successful job interview.

One unexpected effect of the pandemic is the number of jobs it’s created. In our industry at least. And there’s real competition for the best of them. So, for recent graduates and those who aren’t experienced interviewees, here are my top six steps to getting the job you want.

1. Know everything about the place.

Before you go to the interview, learn everything there is to know about the business. Know the accounts they have and the work they’ve done. Unless it’s a Zoom interview, also know where they are located and how to get there on time.

2. Look the part.

Your research will give you a sense of the style of the place so dress as if you’d fit right in.  

3. Commit your elevator pitch to memory.

The two-minute elevator pitch is essential to every brand, including yours. Know why you’d be perfect for that job by heart.

4. Be interested and be natural.

Of course, you are interested in them, but you’d be amazed how often people forget to show it. Ask questions, show you know about them – everyone responds well to that sort of attention. And be yourself. This is the oldest advice going around but it does take confidence to just be you. Do everything you can to relax into it.

5. Polish your CV and folio until they shine. 

You get one chance. Make sure everything you present is as perfect as it can be.

When you’re offered the job, it’s important to talk to your mentors BEFORE you accept the offer and you’re presented with the contract. Not after. The contract simply outlines details around holiday pay, working conditions etc and will be sent to you in good faith once you’ve accepted the position. That is not the time for further discussion around whether or not you want this job. It’s a done deal.

I have a number of jobs sitting on my desk right now, so if I don’t have your C.V. please send it immediately.

I haven’t forgotten Step 6.  Contact me for a career or folio consultation. It will be a great investment in your future.

Call or email Sally Brownbill 0403 302 831
