Welcome to your creative community.

As we emerge, blinking into our challenging new world, I think we will value our communities more than ever before.

We’ve felt the separation strongly. Perhaps we now realise how important and inspiring our creative community can be, and how easily we can lose touch. When I first established the Creative Directory, I saw it becoming one of the most effective networking tools in Australia. Which it has. It is also a community of inspiring, creative people. I love connecting with members of the Creative Directory and helping in any way I can. They are my go-to people when work opportunities arise.

In this coming year I know we all want positive things for ourselves, and each other. And we don’t want to feel we’re doing it on our own.

I encourage you to join the Creative Directory and become part of something that works and will work for you.

Call Sally Brownbill 0403 302 831 Email sally@thebrownbilleffect.com
